Alex B (Alex Broekhuizen) is from the North West of The Netherlands. Throughout his journey in the golden years of the millennium hardcore sound, Alex has taken the stage at renowned events across the globe, captivating audiences with high-quality deejay performances. From Nightmare In Rotterdam and Hardcore4Life to InQontrol and Nature One, his excellent choice of records and tight DJ skills have left an indelible impression on hardcore enthusiasts.
Known for his party-oriented hardcore sound, Alex's tracks are a reflection of his vibrant personality, often infused with humorous elements. Some of his iconic Third Movement releases, including 'Bij Gebrek Aan Beter,' 'Gangster Mentality,' and 'De Spelregels,' were a testament to his exceptional talent.
Alex's return has been met with excitement and anticipation. His most recent release, 'All You've Got is Now,' showcases his continued evolution and commitment to delivering high-energy and quality hardcore music. Stay tuned as Alex B continues to push boundaries and ignite dancefloors with his sounds!